What is a woman? Thoughts from Matt Walsh, Candace Owens and Dave Chappelle

"What is a Woman" is a Twitter documentary by Matt Walsh that explores the complex and controversial topic of gender identity. Featuring interviews with prominent figures such as Candace Owens, Piers Morgan, Ben Shapiro,the documentary delves into the implications of the transgender movement on women's rights and the feminist movement.

 One of the key arguments made in the documentary is the erasure of biological sex. Many of the interviewees express concern that the transgender movement is seeking to eliminate the concept of biological sex altogether, which they argue is denying the biological reality of male and female. This, in turn, could have serious implications for women's rights, as it could lead to the erasure of protections and opportunities specifically for women.

 Another issue raised in the documentary is the threat to women's sports. Several interviewees, including Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro, argue that allowing transgender women to compete in women's sports is unfair to biological women, as transgender women often have physical advantages due to their biological male anatomy. This could lead to the displacement of biological women in sports, which could have serious implications for female athletes. Moreover, the rejection of objective truth is another key argument raised in the documentary.

 Many of the interviewees express concern that the transgender movement is seeking to undermine traditional values and institutions, such as the family, by denying the objective truth of biological sex. This could have serious implications for society as a whole, as it could lead to the erosion of traditional values and institutions that have been the bedrock of Western civilization.

 Finally, confusion and discomfort are also highlighted in the documentary as serious issues facing people who identify as transgender. Many of the interviewees express concern that the transgender movement is encouraging individuals to undergo drastic medical procedures and hormonal treatments that could have serious long-term consequences for their health and well-being. Moreover, some argue that the push for transgender rights is causing confusion and discomfort among children, who are being encouraged to question their gender identity at increasingly young ages.

In conclusion, "What is a Woman" raises important questions about the transgender movement and its implications, particularly for women's rights and traditional values and institutions. While the topic is complex and controversial, it is clear that more discussion and debate is needed to fully understand the implications of the transgender movement.


  1. Yeah right a man is a man and a woman is a woman anatomically.... So this transgender nonsense is just hot air


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